Pros and cons of different boat storage options – DIY Projects for Home

Do you realize there are options to storing your boat? The cost can be high to store your boat in the short- or long-term.

If you’re thinking that you’ll use your motorboat for a day or so, in most situations, it is less expensive to use the parking area at the marina to save money. This idea is in comparison to the dry stack for boating space.

This video demonstrates that it is possible to pay 100 dollars more for the same choice. Additionally, there are additional options to consider such as storing your boat on the trailer or in a wet slip.

Save money

Though boat ownership might seem expensive but there are several ways to reduce your expenses. Sometimes, you can save cash by altering your boating routines.

One option you could consider is to charge your boat at a location other than the marina. Locating a fueling station for your boat outside of the marina will save you almost 1 cent per gallon or greater depending on the current cost of fuel. The suggestions given are based on your boat usage. e2l26hqbz9.